What is the connection between morality and justice?

Justice is about living with other people, while morality is about living with yourself. Justice has to do with the right relationship with others compared to the customs of society, while morality has to do with the right relationship with the law itself, measured according to your own beliefs.

What is the connection between morality and justice?

Justice is about living with other people, while morality is about living with yourself. Justice has to do with the right relationship with others compared to the customs of society, while morality has to do with the right relationship with the law itself, measured according to your own beliefs.


is an end of the law and, therefore, there is a relationship between law, justice and morality. Most jurists say that the purpose of the law is to guarantee “justice”.

Justice has been more or less defined in terms of “morals”. Therefore, the law is used to give an idea of both morality and justice. Before understanding the interrelationship between law, justice and morality, it is necessary to understand their personal meaning. Just as society's morals interpret that no one should do anything wrong with anyone and, if they have done something wrong, they must be punished, just so that the victim can return to a decent position.

Although there are many differences between law and morality, it should not be assumed that there is no similarity between law and morality.

Pam Skrip
Pam Skrip

Amateur reader. Extreme twitter scholar. Certified zombie junkie. Total student. Professional web scholar.

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