What is the 5 types of moral?

We use these “5 Moral Foundations” axes in our workshops to talk about the ways in which activists can meet the people they are trying to reach where they are. As artistic activists, the goal is not only to understand, sympathize and respect the deep-seated beliefs of our “adversaries”, but also to create more sophisticated campaigns that give us an idea of those who don't share our moral beliefs.

What is the 5 types of moral?

We use these “5 Moral Foundations” axes in our workshops to talk about the ways in which activists can meet the people they are trying to reach where they are. As artistic activists, the goal is not only to understand, sympathize and respect the deep-seated beliefs of our “adversaries”, but also to create more sophisticated campaigns that give us an idea of those who don't share our moral beliefs. See below for how to use this as a tool in your own creative activism.) Help C4AA train and support more activists and artists with your donation. Your contributions make a difference, thank you.

Strong paternalism: A 22-year-old person could have a gangrenous leg amputated even if they refuse treatment.

Pam Skrip
Pam Skrip

Amateur reader. Extreme twitter scholar. Certified zombie junkie. Total student. Professional web scholar.

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